The Machine Gun Feedbackの91年の12"。いわゆるマンチェサウンドとしてはカンペキな1曲である"Dig It"。35 SummersとかNatical Williamなんかと並べて聴いたらそこはもう夏のてんごくなのです♪
こっちは92年にリリースした12"から。彼らはどういうわけかケルトちっくな側面を持っててこの曲はそんな彼らの魅力がさくれつした曲。The Wonder StuffとかThe Poguesとかの聴けば勇気が出てくるような、そんな曲です。
結局この2枚のシングルで消えちゃったのがとっても残念。泣 この後ボーカルの人はThe Space Monkeysを結成、イギリスでヒットするわけです。
で、このThe Machine Gun Feedbackなんですが、つい最近youtubeにライブ映像がアップされてましてね、これがすんごく楽しそうなライブ光景なんですよ。ああ僕もこの場に行きたかったなあとつくづく思いました。
The Machine Gun Feedback was released only two 12" single called "Hey i'm a spaceman" and "Uncle Mikey's Guide To Groovin'" in early 90's.please listen to these songs! it's truly great and wonderful.though i live in Japan and i can't speak English,i can enjoy their music very much.especially "Dig It" and "Dogshitface" are my favourite tracks for long years.and the band is known as good indiepop band amongst Japanese fans.sometimes i can see putting on auction in Japan and i know someone always bought it.yes they're still popular.
and just knew that they have a CD(or CDR),needless to say i don't know details of this.but if there are some unreleased tracks...soooo great and i'm excited with it.because i still love this band :) oh it's my dream that i listen to it someday.anyway i should spread the word "The Machine Gun Feedback" and let friends of mine know they were so great!
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